Friday, October 6, 2017

Weekly Blog 3: Article Review

This week, I looked at an article from NBC News about yet another white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia (the link to the article is here). The first paragraph includes a general overview of the rally, plus information about the much larger rally a couple of months ago that received a lot of attention by the media and politicians. The writers then discuss where the rally was held and how long it lasted before then reflecting more on the much larger rally that occurred on August 11 and 12.

The writers did a nice job of describing the rally in detail, and used quotes from political leaders (I especially liked how the writers used a tweet from Charlottesville mayor Mike Signer inside of the article). I also liked how the writers clearly connected this rally to the much larger rally two months ago to highlight how Charlottesville has been used as a gathering place for these white supremacists, and could also help explain the frustration of mayor Mike Signer for his city being used for these rallies.

One thing I think the writers could have changed was the amount of split paragraphs. By combining small paragraphs that was relevant to each other, I think the article would have, overall, been easier to read and comprehend.

This week, I continued to work with Haden on the GSA story. Although the story itself was ultimately called off, and it had some things that should have been changed had it actually aired, I'm proud of the work that we put into the story and the overall quality of the package.

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